Through my years as a Licensed Psychologist, I’ve had opportunities to function in many capacities as a psychologist ranging from a front-line provider to being the Executive Director of a community based mental health agency. My vita will more comprehensively reflect the nature of my experience but below are a few highlights:
At this juncture in my professional existence, I enjoy all forensic work, clinical supervision, conducting evaluations, and providing consultation services to clients and allied professionals. Mentoring/advising psychologists is also rewarding.
I Railey completed my doctoral education at the Florida State University (FSU) which includes a yearlong APA approved pre-doctoral internship with the DOJ Bureau of Prisons Federal Correctional Institution in Tallahassee. In 1987, I completed my undergraduate work at the Florida A&M University (FAMU) receiving a Bachelor of Science degree (with honors) from in Business Education at which time I was also commissioned in the United States Army Reserve (Armor) as a Tank Platoon Leader. After that I was awarded a Fellowship to attend graduate school in FAMU’s Counselor Education program where I earned a Master of Education degree in Counselor Education in 1990. While a member of the FSU faculty, I was able to publish two articles on the area of career development. Additionally, I have presented at 12 symposia (refereed, invited, and non-refereed). Additionally, I have over 32 years of professional experience with over 25 at the doctoral level. I’m also a combat veteran of the United States Army.
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